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Lenten Retreat

Listen to Deacon Tom's most recent Retreat.
Title: Living the Easter Mysteries
Please join Deacon Tom Jakobs at the CTK Parish Center for his newest retreat.
The retreat will be held between the Sunday Masses at 10 am- 11:15 am on March 2nd- April 6th.
Breakfast will be available.

Listen to Deacon Tom's most recent Retreat.
Title: Becoming Whole (A Retreat on Healing)
Please join Deacon Tom Jakobs at the CTK Parish Center for his newest retreat.
The retreat will be held between the Sunday Masses at 10am-11:15am October 8 - November 5.
Breakfast will be available, as well as the book, "No Bad Parts", by Richard Schwartz.

Title: The Dinner Dance
Eucharist is a central mystery within Catholicism. While there are many aspects of Eucharist that are important within the Church – including sacrifice, the role of the priesthood, the forgiveness of sins, a sacred meal – we will approach the role of Eucharist from the perspective of building the Body of Christ, which some theologians argue is the foundational principle of all Eucharistic theology. We will explore the mystery of Eucharist by focusing on how the meals within the Gospel of Luke call us to live an authentic Christian life. During the final two sessions of the retreat we look at how Christ is present at the mass and how Jesus' death saves us.
Please click on the links to slides, recordings, and additional handouts (if any) for each week:
Week 1 - Becoming Church
slides: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6qv65gzcxzegdt7/ctk%20dinner%20dance%20week%201%20slides.pdf?dl=0
recording: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y5lkm8coxdho3pk/ctk%20dinner%20dance%201.mp3?dl=0
Additional handouts: Deacon Tom's Definitions - https://www.dropbox.com/s/m7f21mbht4y0oyj/Deacon%20Tom%27s%20defintions.pdf?dl=0
Week 2 - Challenges to being Church
slides: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nf8v0je4ygf21qw/ctk%20dinner%20dance%20week%202%20slides.pdf?dl=0
recording: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bg39zgrcjr12kxa/ctk%20dinner%20dance%202.mp3?dl=0
no additional handouts
Week 3 - Food for the Journey
slides: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sout32n75z15css/ctk%20dinner%20dance%20week%203%20slides.pdf?dl=0
Additional Handout: The Good Fight with Notes - https://www.dropbox.com/s/20uxla1sojl8e76/The%20good%20fight%20with%20notes.pdf?dl=0
Week 4 - Christ's Presence at the Mass
slides- https://www.dropbox.com/s/9lv7sxemx1ntw60/ctk%20dinner%20dance%20week%204%20slides.pdf?dl=0
recording: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xvqs3fphs0kpff7/ctk%20dinner%20dance%204.mp3?dl=0
Additional Handouts: Beginner's mind - https://www.dropbox.com/s/xdu5kopslh3jf38/beginners%20mind.pdf?dl=0
Week 5 - Saved by Death and Pulling it all Together
slides: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3dcz49fmwchjg22/ctk%20dinner%20dance%20week%205%20slides.pdf?dl=0
recording: https://www.dropbox.com/s/upbu2z05cp4hfa9/ctk%20dinner%20dance%205.mp3?dl=0
Additional Handout (same as week 3): The Good Fight with Notes - https://www.dropbox.com/s/20uxla1sojl8e76/The%20good%20fight%20with%20notes.pdf?dl=0
Past Retreats

Click below to listen to Deacon Tom's weekly episodes or click the PDF to read the
retreat handout.
Past Retreats
Christ’s Healing Touch
What’s Love Got to do with it? retreat: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lxvzt0uv06h3wj2/AACZS8AjLS4xHuCBGwqW8WyNa?dl=0
Unveiling Faith Podcast