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    Trust & Endowment Fund (TEF) The mission of the Trust and Endowment Fund (TEF) is to provide an opportunity for all Catholic children within our parish to receive a Catholic education. Endowment funds are preserved through investments. Christ the King Catholic School uses the earned income from these investments to help maintain affordable tuition, provide additional operating income for the school when needed, allow for capital improvements and enhance the quality of the Catholic education. Christ the King Catholic School Trust & Endowment Fund was established in 1994 under a mandate from the Diocese of Little Rock. Its mission is to provide an opportunity for all Catholic children within our parish to receive a Catholic education. Endowment funds are preserved through investments. Christ the King Catholic School uses the earned income from these investments to help maintain affordable tuition, provide additional operating income for the school when needed, allow for capital improvements and enhance the quality of the Catholic education. The expectation is that the principle amount will remain constant and a predictable source of income for the school. ​ The original goal for establishing the base of the endowment was one million dollars. Thanks to donors such as yourself we accomplished this goal in 2013. Our current objective is to continue to encourage and educate parishioners, friends, and alumni to leave a gift to the school in their will or by way of life insurance policies. All parishioners can contribute to the growth of TEF by using the TEF envelopes in the Sunday offertory. Please consider helping our School Trust & Endowment Fund continue to prosper. ​ You can also support Christ the King by clicking below and choosing TEF as your charitable organization when you shop at Amazon. Thank you for your continued support!

  • SCRIP | CTK Church

    Scrip What is Scrip? It is a program where you buy gift cards to places you already shop or eat and CTK gets a portion of the money in return! ​ How do I order? Simply fill out our online order form and we will mail them to you! School parents: We will bill you through FACTS Parishioners: Please pay online via PayPal or Venmo ​ What places are available? There are over 40 different stores or restaurants with available gift cards! A few of the available options are Walmart, Target, Amazon, Best Buy, Starbucks, Panera, George’s Chili’s, and many more! CTK Parishioners: Use THIS link to order: CTK School Families: Use THIS link to order: Parishioners need to pay online and school parents will be charged via FACTS. Pay online at: or Venmo:

  • BIBLE STUDY | CTK Church

    Dự án Đây là Trang Dự án của bạn. Đây là một cơ hội tuyệt vời để giúp khách truy cập hiểu được bối cảnh và nền tảng của tác phẩm mới nhất của bạn. Nhấp đúp vào hộp văn bản để bắt đầu chỉnh sửa nội dung của bạn và đảm bảo thêm tất cả các chi tiết liên quan mà bạn muốn chia sẻ. Women's Bible Study & Snack Club If you are interested in attending the Women's Bible Study and Snack Club, please reach out to Brittney at 479-783-7745. Knights of Columbus COUNCIL INFORMATION PIUS XII We are the second oldest Knights of Columbus council in the state of Arkansas which was established in May 1904. We are located at 10203 Columbus Acres Road off Brooken Hill in Fort Smith. We have council meeting on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm. For more information please feel free to call 479-649-7144. We are located on 40 acres of beautiful land in southern Fort Smith. We have an outdoor pavilion as well as a large indoor ballroom. We are more than capable of handling any Knights of Columbus function or any outdoor activities. ​ Men’s Bible Study ​ We invite each of you to join our Men's Bible Study on Wednesday mornings 6:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m. in the Spirituality Center. No one is forced to talk and it’s okay if you miss a week or two here and there. It’s never the wrong time when hearing God speak to us through His word or each other. Each of us receives the message He wants us to hear and in His timing. So, please consider joining us on Wednesday mornings in the Spirituality Center for prayer, fellowship, Bible exploration and coffee. Contact the church office more information at 479-783-7745. IMG-7566 DSC_4666 DSC_4590_edited IMG-7566 1/5


    Church Tithing Venmo username: CTKParishFS What is tithing? Tithing is the practice, established by God in the Old Testament, of returning 10% of your blessings to God. Originally the tithe was given to the temple or the Church in the form of produce or livestock since this really was the only income that the people had. As our society shifted from a barter-based system of trade to a monetary exchange system, the tithe began to be paid in currency. Whether one gave monetary income or profit from the fields was really not as important as it was for the believer to understand that the tithe was what was owed to God. The tithe was not given based on the needs of the priests, of the Church, or of the poor. It was given simply in recognition and gratitude for the blessings that God had bestowed on the individual. Thus, every believer had a need to tithe to God. “The tithes of the herd and the flock shall be determined by ceding to the Lord as sacred every tenth animal as they are counted by the herdsman’s rod.” – Leviticus 27:32 Is tithing still necessary in the Catholic Church today? Tithing is absolutely still necessary in the Catholic Church today. When God introduced the concept of the tithe in the Old Testament He told the Israelites this contribution was necessary from them to support the work of the Levites and the poor in the community. Today our Church still needs our support to pay the expenses and financial obligations it incurs as it operates in a commercial society. Salaries, benefits, insurance, maintenance, utilities, and service fees are all expenses that never even existed when Our Lord first decreed that each of us was to give back a percentage of what we have. Additionally, we are still called to care for the poor among us. ​ “Each year you shall tithe all the produce that grows in the field you have sown…so that the Levite who has no share in the heritage with you and also the alien, the orphan and the widow who belong to your community, may come and eat their fill so that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you undertake.” – Deuteronomy 14:22, 29 Tithing is such a great sacrifice? Are there any real benefits? In addition to the fact that you are following God’s will and providing your Church with the resources it needs to carry out the work of Jesus Christ here on earth, those who embrace tithing report that this approach has numerous benefits. The satisfaction that comes from gratefully sharing your blessings is tremendous. ​ When you take a hard look at your spending and plan to make God first in your budget you quickly begin to realize the difference between what you need and what you want. You begin to eliminate the endless clutter of material wants from your life and start to more fully appreciate the many blessings that you already have. You realize that commercialism works to convince us that we never have enough of the right things, even though God has already blessed you with all that you need. You stop being “consumed by consumerism” and “possessed by your possessions” and begin to slow down and prioritize not only how you spend your money but also how you spend your time. Once you stop trying to satisfy yourself with material possessions and spending, you may even find that you enjoy simple pleasures more fully – especially time to deepen your relationships with God, with loved ones, and with your community. Ultimately, those who tithe often feel that the practice brings more joy, more peace, more contentment, and more balance to their lives. “Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return to measured out to you.” – Luke 6:38 Is there a simple way to know if I am truly tithing, without doing all the math? Here is an easy formula for determining your tithe to your parish. Take your pre-tax income. Round it to the nearest thousand. Then take off the last three zeros. For example, a person making $40,000 annually would take off the last three zeros and be left with $40. This is the amount you should be giving every week, if you are giving 5% back to God through your parish. You would also want to be giving the same amount – the other 5% – to other charities that are important to you, such as schools, hospitals, social service agencies, missions, religious orders, etc. If you’re not sure the formula works check the math. 5% of $40,000 is $2000. Divide by 50 weeks. (Easier and quicker than 52 weeks.) You would give $40 a week. ​ You can also check on your tithing level every year as you complete your income tax. It’s easy to calculate. Divide your total charitable contributions for the last year by your gross income for that year. Move the decimal point over two places and that is your percent of giving. So if your answer is .0346, you are returning 3.5% of your income to God. If you are not happy with the number, plan ways to increase your giving. ​ “Then he said to the crowd, ‘Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.’” – Luke 12:15 CHRIST THE KING CHURCH & SCHOOL


    Hội Thánh Danh Phương châm: Auxilium Sine Laude Dịch: Dịch vụ không lời khen ngợi Trong khi đó, bạn sẽ không gặp phải khó khăn gì. Chúng tôi là ai và chúng tôi làm gì? HNS là nhóm đàn ông của Chúa Kitô Vua. Tư cách thành viên dành cho tất cả nam giáo dân từ 21 tuổi trở lên. Con cái của bạn được hoan nghênh cho các hoạt động tình nguyện. Chúng tôi được tổ chức để thông công và phục vụ giáo xứ. Các cuộc họp của chúng tôi diễn ra vào thứ Hai thứ hai của tháng lúc 7:30 tối tại Nhà Thị trấn - trên lầu của Trung tâm Tâm linh. Các cuộc họp kinh doanh không chính thức khoảng 30 phút - tiếp theo là giải khát, thiệp, v.v. Chính thức chúng tôi gặp nhau mỗi tháng một lần, tuy nhiên vào bất kỳ tối thứ Hai hoặc thứ Tư nhất định nào, từ 6 giờ chiều đến 8 giờ tối, có các thành viên trong khuôn viên trường, lập kế hoạch hoặc thực hiện các công việc tốt giáo xứ. Trong khi đó, bạn sẽ không gặp phải khó khăn gì. Liên hệ chúng tôi! Các sĩ quan hiện tại: Chủ tịch James Barte 479-763-7667 VP Sam Meyers Thủ quỹ David Hotz 479-434-0662 Phí hàng năm $ 10 Mỗi chuyến câu cá $ 40 Trong khi đó, bạn sẽ không gặp phải khó khăn gì. Mùa xuân vừa qua, trong Mùa Chay, chúng tôi đã nấu ăn cho Bữa Tiệc Ly sau các Trạm Thập Giá. Trong những tuần trước và trong lễ hội hóa trang, các thành viên HNS đã thực hiện hàng trăm (+) giờ phục vụ để làm cho lễ hội hóa trang thành công. Các thành viên HNS đã dành nhiều thời gian và công sức để duy trì cơ cấu vật chất của giáo xứ. Chúng tôi đã sửa chữa đầu gối, hệ thống ống nước, hệ thống HVAC, các vấn đề về điện, thảm, cửa ra vào, cảnh quan, cũng như sửa chữa mái nhà. Chúng tôi là những ông / bà / chú / ông / bà / anh / chị của giáo xứ; bạn biết những người bạn gọi khi mọi thứ đã đi xuống phía nam. Nếu chúng ta không thể sửa chữa nó, rất có thể nó không thể sửa chữa được. Chúng tôi cũng đã nấu ăn cho những đứa trẻ tham dự TARE và Rock, cũng như buổi dã ngoại của giáo xứ, Lễ hội sườn của Hội St Anne, buổi tĩnh tâm của Cha Jacobs, và bữa tối Lễ Tạ ơn. Nếu bạn đã tham dự Thánh lễ Giáng sinh tại Chúa Kitô Vua, bạn đã thấy những đồ trang trí mà chúng tôi đặt lên (và gỡ xuống) hàng năm. Chúng tôi thường có hai chuyến đi câu cá mỗi năm, một khóa tu mùa Xuân và khóa tu mùa thu. Đây là từ tối Thứ Sáu đến sáng Chủ Nhật với Thánh lễ Canh thức Thứ Bảy, sau đó là bữa tối bít tết vào Thứ Bảy. Một số thành viên chỉ tham dự vào thứ Bảy cho Thánh lễ và bít tết. Chúng tôi linh hoạt. Chuyến đi câu cá tên thánh là 50+? năm truyền thống Chúa Kitô Vua. Nếu bạn là một người cha có con theo học trường Christ the King, Tare hoặc Rock, bạn nên là một trong số chúng tôi. Chúng tôi hứa rằng bạn sẽ không cảm thấy lạc lõng hoặc bị yêu cầu làm bất cứ điều gì mà những người còn lại trong chúng tôi sẽ không hoặc chưa làm. Với sự đa dạng của các dự án mà chúng tôi tham gia và nền tảng đa dạng của các thành viên của chúng tôi, bạn có cơ hội tham gia vào những gì mà bạn có thể không có cơ hội làm. ________________ HOLY NAME SOCIETY là nhà tài trợ cho các hoạt động sau:


    Đăng ký Giáo dân Parishioner Registration


    Confirmation Contact: Brittany Owens, Youth Minister Ph.: 479-783-7745 email: Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation which completes baptism through sealing in the Holy Spirit and anoints the recipient as priest, prophet, and king. ​ Who can receive Confirmation? In the Catholic Church, anyone that has been baptized properly can and should be confirmed. ​ What is Catholic Confirmation? Confirmation is a Sacrament in the Catholic Church in which the one who is confirmed (confirmandi) receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the imposition of hand and anointing with oils by the bishop. It’s considered a sacrament of initiation which means that it brings you deeper into communion with the Church. ​ Who administers Confirmation? Bishops are the original ministers of Confirmation along with other Catholic sacraments (Lumen Gentium 26). Call the church office at 783-7745 if you have questions.

  • MARRIAGE | CTK Church

    Bộ Thanh niên Để biết thêm thông tin về các chương trình dành cho thanh thiếu niên của chúng tôi, vui lòng liên hệ với Brittney Owens tại . GUIDELINES ON CELEBRATING HOLY MATRIMONY Read more Pre-Cana Day ​ Register for Pre-Cana ​ Pre-Cana Day is a one-day retreat for engaged couples to spend time together reflecting on their relationship and future marriage. Topics such as the sacrament of marriage, communication, finances, love and sexuality, and parenting are discussed. Registration is required one week prior to the event. See the Calendar of Events to find available dates on which to register. Click on a date to find the registration form. To register for Pre-Cana Day, please complete and submit the form. Then mail your $60 registration fee to: Family Life Office, 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207. ​ Online payment cannot be accepted at this time. Make checks payable to the Diocese of Little Rock. Registration is NOT complete until both the fee and this form have been received. If you need to register after the deadline date, please call the Family Life Office at (501) 664-0340. ​ ​ Convalidation Class Register for Convalidation Class ​ Convalidation classes are offered for couples who are married civilly (outside the Catholic Church) and wish to have a sacramental marriage within the Church. The Church requires that a baptized Roman Catholic marry before a priest or deacon unless he or she received a dispensation (permission) from the Church beforehand. ​ When a Catholic does not observe this requirement and marries outside the Church, his or her marriage is not recognized by the Church. Couples who wish to have their civil marriage convalidated (recognized) are asked to attend a special marriage preparation program (convalidation class), complete marriage paperwork, and have vows witnessed by a priest or deacon. ​ With the approval of your pastor, please register for a Convalidation Class at least one week prior to the event. See the Calendar of Events to find available dates on which to register. Click on a date to find the registration form. ​ To register for Convalidation Class, please complete and submit the form. Then mail your $60 registration fee to: Family Life Office, 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207. Online payment cannot be accepted at this time. Make checks payable to the Diocese of Little Rock. Registration is NOT complete until both the fee and this form have been received. If you need to register after the deadline date, please call the Family Life Office at (501) 664-0340.


    Bộ Thanh niên Parish Religious Education Program (PRE) PRE Schedule Click PDF Our Parish Religious Education Class provides religious education to Catholic children attending non-Catholic schools.

  • CARNIVAL | CTK Church

    Trại CTK Silent Auction Click on the link below to see and bid on the amazing donations! ​ ​ ​ WE GO LIVE MAY 1ST WITH HUNDREDS OF ITEMS!!! Raffle Tickets Become a Sponsor Join us in supporting Christ the King's 2024 Carnival! We are offering various sponsorship opportunities for businesses and individuals who want to be a part of this exciting event. Click the link below to sign up and become a sponsor today! Sign Up Here!

  • CARNIVAL | CTK Church

    2023 CTK Carnival Auction The 2023 CTK Carnival Auction items are now open for bidding!! Hundreds of unique items! Click below to view online and/or check out our options in person at our Carnival May 19-20th! View Items Here Raffle Tickets

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